Thursday, April 19, 2012

Service Learning Paper

Women and Leadership –Final Service Learning Paper
Project Summary
              Due to the increasing statistics about bullying in schools and my previous experience of the middle school girls who were impacted on this issue last semester, I wanted my service learning to help younger generations of girls to know that they can stop unwanted harassment and ultimately become leaders in their everyday lives. In order to work towards the bigger picture, I had to help the Young Women Leaders Program raise funds through a basketball tournament, to host an anti-bullying workshop.
            Valerie and I focused more heavily on donations for the raffle and food to serve. The day of the basketball tournament I picked up these items and tabled for CAP/AAUW organizations that YWLP received a grant to pursue this research.  Following this I assisted with the “Lead Out Loud (L.O.L.) ant-bullying workshop” through time spent on working on the posters, the itinerary for school officials and contributing to website information for students, parents, counselors, administration, etc.  The day of this event I had the task of organizing the elementary groups for the Lawton Chiles facilitators with their lessons. Subsequent of this event I started to assist with transcribing of the interviews of the parents of the middle school girls.
           Initially when I started to write my proposal for service learning I wanted to focus on the fundraising element because I know it required a great deal of energy and commitment to ensure that this project was going to happen. However after the tournament I realized that my contribution to this one aspect wouldn’t allow me to really reflect on the outcome of the actual workshop. That’s why in a previous Activism log I made statements about revising my proposal to focus on the actual workshop itself. The project was successful in terms of bringing about awareness among the schools and that the middle school girls while nervous they took to the lessons with ease and after a while you could see that they were getting involved and believing that they prevent bullying within their schools and community.   The only limitations were that during the workshop we didn’t get through rotating the schools so they could go through the different lesson plans each school had set in place. However by the end of the first discussion you could tell that the kids really got the message and even within my group, members who were initially hesitant, had so much to share.
            Hindsight has taught me that it’s best to have realistic time management, that as long as your initial message is still intact you can’t put too much energy into looking at planning and finally that young people want to be able to lead they want to be able to help others, they just need to have their agency recognized. This experience working with the community reinforced the idea of transformative leadership. The course texts also correlates with the solutions for how women can diminish doubt about how they see themselves as leaders and the ways in which they lead.
              My service learning project best corresponds to the question of: What are effective strategies for women trying to overcome the limitations of “leadership” as it is currently constructed? Eagly and Carli state that women should demonstrate that they are both agentic and communal, create social capital and balance of both commonly associated masculine and feminine traits are necessary for success (167). I felt that there was more of a connection between this question and my service learning project because I got to witness this development take place. Through assisting the middle school girls with their lesson plans and facilitating in the discussion I could see the shift in attitude change from the beginning of fear and doubt to eagerness of wanting to make a difference and vocalizing their opinions and experiences on the topic of bullying. The girls were very communal in the fact that they were able to support one another and assist any of the elementary children with their tasks throughout the lesson. Furthermore this sense of agency and communal nature was exemplified between my classmates and I working together to raise funds for this workshop but becoming autonomous agents who were able to delegate tasks amongst ourselves based on our skill set.
              In terms of balancing masculine and feminine traits with the girls, we disguised this by having them identify and acknowledge the different types of leadership through icebreaker activities such as the human knot. Additionally it was important that we encouraged both the girls and boys at the workshop that all of these traits of leadership are widely embraced and should be used by everyone. Through the compilation of the campus action projects the girls were able to use volunteers from the Women Studies department and their administrators as social capital to help them accomplish their goals and carry out their mission of preventing bullying within their schools.
              During the day of the actual workshop before we could talk about the solutions to dissolve and prevent bullying there had to be a discussion of leadership so regardless of who was involved (bully, victim or bystander) would understand the different ways to lead in terms of problem solving and as a result this would build upon their autonomy. This has a similar message of how assuming that one style of leadership will achieve all goals. Jean Lipman-Blumen discusses both scopes of feminine and masculine traits are necessary to lead and need to be addressed. He introduces how the tradition view of leadership in America is based on the masculine traits we assume men to have in order to lead. Then the article challenges this widely accepted view by stating that, “ego ideal draws on a very limited set of achieving styles, we shall call ‘direct styles,’ that emphasize individualism, self-reliance and belief in one’s own abilities” (185). He goes on to say that we should not be so quick to reject the behaviors that are considered, “instrumental and relational” that are assimilated with feminine style of leadership.

Reflection and Connection
            My experiences with leadership have validated the concept of the double bind. In the past, I felt unsuccessful and criticized for emulating masculine traits associated with leadership but assumed as passive when I tried to emulate more feminine aspects leadership. I think especially for me this has validated my feeling as a double minority. I always understood why I would have restricted access due to my race, because the idea was reinforced in my household in my early childhood. I knew that because of my gender, judgments were going to made against me but I didn’t fully understand all the implications of how society restricts women, even to the extent that women would discourage each other. On the other hand I feel that those with this knowledge of leadership are responsible for passing along what they know in order to change popular belief about women and their leadership style.
I agree that there has to be a balance between the two and that as women should be underestimate our abilities as leaders. I especially felt with this experience that women build a sense of agency when we as a community of women challenge our perspectives of what our limitations are. Additionally, we can acknowledge and start maneuvering through the labyrinth. Suggestions that are mentioned to maneuver may seem overwhelming but unless we start somewhere. I think the finishing line is going to be redefined if we redefine what we find as being successful, especially since most of the time the institutions we discussed were of a corporate or political atmosphere.
It is frustrating to know that men will always have an advantage in leadership and even while we learn about new ways to lead, I think it’s disheartening to know that women will not receive credit even when we are the inspiration for these ideas.
Education about leadership style needs to be taught more than just within these environments. Again while it may seem impossible, because we’re still learning this ourselves, if we can encourage our generation to embrace different styles to leadership, especially our young girls. Sometimes I feel that we put so much emphasis on shaping feminine little girls that we forget to them how to play with the boys and not suppress their accomplishments. In the beginning of this course, I would assimilate women’s leadership with transformative t, however there is more than one type of leadership and I feel that this represents the personality or the essence of women’s leadership is but it is not the only way women lead. After this class I would define women’s leadership as ever-changing balance of authority and with communal regard towards others and can be transformed and applied within any institution. Feminist leadership, I feel, does embody a transformative nature but puts focus around a social issue rather than tasks or occupational representation. In contrast with women’s leadership, feminist leadership tries has to have more of an emphasis of trying to be inclusive to everyone, regardless of its reputation.

Works Cited

Carli, Linda L. "How Do Some Women Find Their Way Through the Labyrinth?" Through the
            Labyrinth. By Alice H. Eagly. Boston: Harvard Business School, 2007. 165-69. Print.

Lipman-Blumen, Jean. "Connective Leadership: Female Leadership Styles in the 21st-Century
             Workplace." Sociological Perspectives 1st ser. 35 (1992): 183-203. Print.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

SL Log 2 /6

I will print this but I figured this along with a hard copy of the paper:
(Since my current inconsistency with my computer situation. I just needed to jot down all of my involvement and compile my notes, I understand this does not make up for the previous deadlines missed).

Wednesday, February 15, 2012 12:00pm-2:30pm (2.5 hours)
I made calls/collections for donations for the basketball tournament. I was able to pick up gift cards from Smoothie King and meet with manager of Marco’s Pizza to donate food for the event.

Saturday, February 18, 2012 5:00pm-9pm (4 hours)
I attended the basketball tournament also known as the evening of the main fundraiser for the Lead Out Loud research project. My tasks consisted of picking up pizza for the event, tabling for the CAP/AAUW table to inform the public about the research and the purpose of why the grant was given for this project.

Thursday, March 29, 2012 3:00pm-6:00pm (3 hours)
The day before the Lead Out Loud Workshop I made posters for the event so that the schools would be directed for the exact location. In addition I constructed the itinerary for the event so that administrators, chaperones as well as volunteer members are aware of the activities for the day.

Friday, March 30, 2012 9:00am-3:00pm (6 hours)
I attended the actual workshop event, Leading Out Loud workshop. Along with organizing the elementary groups for the Lawton Chiles facilitators, I assisted with the direction and implementation of the lesson should there be any miscommunication between the middle school girls and the elementary group. Subsequently, I assisted with warm-up activities in between lesson plans, the scheduled lunch and dismissal and then after clean up.

Friday, April 6, 11:00am-1:00pm (3 hours)
Camille Thomas and I started transcribing a parent interview.

Monday, April 9, 2012 1:00pm-2:30pm (1.5 hours)
Camille Thomas and I finished transcribing and then went back to thoroughly check our work to see if we missed anything, including searching for environmental noise.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Media Assignment

Based on the video and audio provided it seems that politicians are starting to target women voters as the election is approaching. Both parties recognize that men are split between the parties and women voters are starting to outnumber male voters in the polls. This War against women seems to be a strategic campaign to get women to look at their competitors values negatively in order to sway their votes favorably for their party. Republicans rely on statements saying that democrats are sidelining women in terms of working alongside politically in comparison to the ever increasing access women are finding with Republicans. In addition they are the only ones who believe in a double standard of criticizing women based on political and social figures. Meanwhile Democrats use past statements and beliefs of Republicans to challenge their notions of current issues like access to birth control and government assistance to remind women voters how Republicans minimalize the circumstances and opinions of women. Michelle Obama, is thought to be a social and political icon; she represents the views of her husband as well as inspires millions through her story and circulates retail consumption just as fast as Oprah’s thoughts on a best-seller. Early on in the presidency she was thought to be abrasive with her husband’s advisors; it was said that she conflicted with their suggestions on more than one occasion (Hudson, 2012). This can also be suggested as a result of “Men’s resistance to Agentic Women” (106). However she appears to be on Forbes most powerful woman and has coined the term, “Mom in chief” according to the Atlantic Wire. Her leadership style is considered to be of authentic leadership. She advocates heavily for working mothers, nutrition and fitness for children and immigration (Moore, 2009). The tight rope is introduced when it is mentioned that she balances being her advocacy while maintaining a feminine appearance by claiming that she tries not to get involved in hard issues. She took time off from her law firm in order to support her family but she hasn’t quit working altogether, she has redirected her path with emphasis on her family. The republican statements mentioned in the media clips were consistent with the claims that women are supposed to have a laissez -faire approach to leadership (Eagly, 128). During the audio clip it was frequently mentioned how single parents are depending too much on the government on assistance suggesting the that women lack agency as if to suggest that women are incompetent of being leaders within their own households and workplace in order for them to be successful in providing for their families. Then a democratic perspective reminds the guest that there very successful working single mothers and marriage corresponds to jobs which entail stability and without an increase in minimal wage women very often stuck within their circumstance.

Works Cited
Eagly, Alice Hendrickson., and Linda Lorene Carli. Through the Labyrinth: The Truth about How Women Become Leaders. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School, 2007. Print.
Hudson, John. "The Surprisingly Sharp Elbows of Michelle Obama." The Atlantic Wire. 09 Jan. 2012. Web. 10 Apr. 2012. <>.
Madison, Lucy. "Forbes Names Michelle Obama World's Most Powerful Woman." CBSNews. CBS Interactive, 07 Oct. 2010. Web. 10 Apr. 2012. <>.
"Wire Election News." The Sacramento Bee. Web. 10 Apr. 2012. <>.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Activism Log

I think there needed to be some revisions on my Service Learning Project Proposal. As far as working in a group, our focus was dedicated to making the Basketball Tournament a success. However in regards to my individual participation, my ultimate goal was to be able to assist in the March 30th Workshop. However in order to hold the workshop we would need to be successful in the Basketball Tournament to help students get transportation to the UCF main campus and a safe return back to their schools. My rationale for this being that when I took Virtual Girls I had previously worked with another classmate to do a lesson on cyber-bullying and the response from the lesson really took us aback as to how prevalent these issues were in their lives. We as a group met several times on the 7th and the 9th of February to discuss our status on receiving donations and what contributions we made to the actual tournament. We spent 4 hours each those days planning which days to actually go out in the community and which businesses to contact for the fundraiser. Additionally the day of the fundraiser I spent 5 hours dedicated to obtaining food and tabling for the AAUW table to provide anyone information about the research YWLP is conducting and why it is need in our community. On Wednesday, March 7th I assisted with helping the middle school girls of Lawton Chiles come up with an itinerary for their lesson that they will teach at the March 30th workshop day which took a total of two hours (30 min for  brainstorming and then an hour and half to check with the coordinator and other facilitator to see what is feasible for the allotted time).

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

SL Proposal

Title: Leading out Loud: Assisting in an Anti-bullying Campaign

Community Partner: Young Women Leaders Program and the Women Studies Department

Group Members: Valerie T, Kelly Q and Joannivette M

Submission Date: Feb 15th

2. Community Partner Profile:
Community Profile Name: Young Women Leaders Program
Mission and Goals:
"The Young Women Leaders Program (YWLP) is a mentoring program sponsored by the UCF Women’s Studies Program. In mentoring pairs and small groups of Big and Little Sisters, participants focus on learning competence and autonomy, independent thinking, empowerment, self-esteem, and encouraging girls to think about their futures" (Young Women Leaders Program).
Political or Social Basis for Organization:
"YWLP promotes middle school girls’ leadership abilities, pairing collegiate women with middle school girls."Currently YWLP has partnered with their local community and the national AAUW to create a peer advocacy campaign to help students to empower themselves and others to stop bullying and forms of aggression among their peers. This project is called “leading Out Loud (LOL)” and it works by teaching the YWLP Little Sisters to become peer advocates at their middle schools. Ultimately this project will result in a field trip to UCF where the Little Sisters will work with UCF faculty, students and their Big Sisters to host anti-bullying workshops for local fifth grade boys and girls.
General Needs of Organization:
YWLP needs students to volunteer with their Slam Dunk for School Safety basketball tournament/fundraiser on February 18th. The goal of the tournament is to raise $2,000 so that the LOL project and field trip are free for all the students. This event will include a basketball tournament, raffle of donated items, a concession stand, bake sale and entertainment.

3.The Proposal:

According to the website Stomp out Bullying; 1 out of 4 teens are bullied and 1 out of 5 teens admit to being a bully or bullying someone, also as many as 160,000 students stay home on any given day because they're afraid of being bullied ( These are troubling statistics, especially now with the addition of cyber-bullying on social networking sites such as Facebook and MySpace. During a mentoring session in September 2011, YWLP Little Sisters shared some of their experiences involving “physical fights, graffiti, cruel language and bullying on social networking sites”.

To help with this, YWLP has partnered with the national AAUW and their community to create the “leading Out Loud (LOL)” Campaign; which will help students to empower themselves and others to stop bullying among their peers. The YWLP Little Sisters are taught to become peer advocates at their local middle schools and will lead an anti-bullying day at their middle school in March. The project ends with a field trip to UCF, where the Little Sisters will host workshops for local fifth grade boys and girls.

To help raise money for the “LOL” project, YWLP will host the Slam Dunk for School Safety basketball tournament on February 18th, 2012. The plan is to raise an additional $2,000 so that the “LOL “project and field trip are free for all the students.

Plan Proposal:

Throughout the semester we will be helping YWLP work on their national American Association of University Women's (AAUW) grant on girls' leadership to stop bullying. We will be working on is the Slam Dunk for School Safety Basketball Tournament, which takes place Saturday, February 18th, aside from the basketball tournament this event will have a raffle, concession stand, bake sale and, entertainment.  For this event I (Nikki) will be trying to find donations for the raffle from local businesses, trying to coordinate teams to participate in the event and I will be a representative for the AAUW table to provide audiences with information about why and how this national organization is helping YWLP with their campaign.

We have already met with Meredith Tweed and Emily Vrotsos about the needs for this fundraising project and have discussed my responsibilities for this event. We have been given donation letters and forms to go around to local businesses to see if they would like to donate items to the raffle or concession stand or participate in the event as a team. We are also promoting to registered student organizations within the UCF community.

"Leadership is `a sequence of multidirectional, reciprocal influence processes among many individuals at different levels, in different subunits, and within executive teams`”(Winkler 6). Working in teams based on our strengths fits within this definition of leadership. By seeking to end bullying through assisting with  awareness events and projects we are executing Women and Leadership through a transformational level and exercising the mission and prinicples of YWLP by progressing women's leadership potential within the UCF and Orlando Community. "Bullying knows no boundaries," but when it comes to potential, neither do great leaders when they come together for basic human justice. No one should feel uncomfortable in their daily lives, irrespective to our differences (
Initial Steps:
So far as a a group we have split up tasks equally and checked in with each other on donations so that we all being held accountable and aware of what is being contributed to the basketball tournament. 
Joani has worked on getting players, drink donations and using her personal experience for rules and entertainment for the event.
Kelly has been working on recruitment among the UCF and Orlando Community and also  advertisement
Valerie and I have been working on gathering donations through the surrounding communities for the concessions, raffle prizes and food and drinks. Additionally we are working on accumulating teams through word of mouth in our daily environments.

February: weeks of the 6th-18th, go around to local businesses and see if they would like to donate items, keep in touch with them through email and calling.

February 17th-help set up with food and any other miscellaneous items needed for the tournament.

February 18th: Slam Dunk for School Safety Basketball tournament, promote AAUW and the YWLP research project

 April 19th, 2012 -We will deliver the completed project

Word Count: 1,048

Works Cited:
Love Our Children USA. Stomp Out Bullying. 2011. 14 2 2012 <>.

Winkler, Ingo. " Characteristics of Contemporary Theoretical Approaches in Leadership Research." Springer (2010): 6. Print. 

UCF CAH: Young Women Leaders Program: Schools." UCF: CAH: Women's Studies Program: Mentoring Programs for Faculty. UCF Women's Studies Program. Web. 12 Feb. 2012. <>.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Allow Me Introduce Myself :)

Greetings Professor Tweed and Classmates,

My name is Nicole Dodd or Nikki for short. I am originally from Fort Lauderdale, Florida. I am a senior majoring in Psychology and minoring in Women Studies. My hobbies are dancing, sketching and music. I like learning about how people interact and how our attitudes and actions not only influence our behaviors but those around us as well. While I’m not quite clear on my career path just yet, ideally I would like to continue to work with adolescents, especially teen girls and families in a non-profit setting. Before my college career, I never saw myself as a feminist but I think because a vast amount of people paint feminism in an adverse light that’s I want to dissect what feminism really is. When I got involved with the Young Women Leaders Program (YWLP), I think that’s when I really encouraged me to pick up Women Studies as a minor. While I know that it is physically impossible for all who are taking WST courses to be involved with YWLP (in regards to the time slot) I think it’s a great opportunity to really put feminism in practice for young women and to diminish common stereotypes. Big issues or theories are unpacked in modern day age appropriate lessons, so that women know the difference between what we allow society to tell us versus what we really believe and act. Women’s leadership interests me due to the fact that there is a time line of history that corresponds to a sense of responsibility to take action within our daily lives as women. The majority of leadership I see today is mostly transactional, where individuals or organizations will trade a service for a reward or security. Usually one may be of a higher status than the other. I'm really interested in learning about transformational leadership, I have seen this done on campus between organizations and it can be quite inspiring. An organization other than YWLP that also inspired me would be the Black Female Development Circle. They do the best example of transformational leadership in my eyes. Walking in on first glance, you would not be able to tell which members of the organization hold titles, because the members are expected to perform and participate on goals and projects at the same level as the executive board. Their reasoning for this is to evoke individual human growth for their members which motivates members intrinsically. I would consider my leadership style similar to principles of transformational leadership, but my execution doesn't always get the same effect as I would like. I would really like to learn how to effectively lead in this sense or learn what factors contribute to this downfall. Additionally as we are expected to be challenged in this class, I hope that I can break out of my timid demeanor to be able to unpack and articulate some of the issues we will be discussing in class. I look forward to this Spring semester.
